I was trying to run one of the example project using the CC3200 launchpad and installed all the necessary tools as document explains. However, when I try to launch the debug session, it gives me dialog saying "You require a target configuration to start a debug session. Do you want to create a new target configuration file and open it in the editor?" as below.
When I click "No", it just close it and do nothing, and selecting "Yes" turns to the following target configuration editor.
I did not know why the sample code did not run debug session as is, but here is the solution.
- Open "Target Configurations" window
From the menu, go to "View" -> "Target Configurations". You will see a window come out right side of screen.
- Import the existing configuration
Right click "User Defined" folder and select "Import Target Configuration".
Look for "CC3200.ccxml" file under CC3200 SDK folder.
In my case, it is located "C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.0.0\cc3200-sdk\tools\ccs_patch
Select the file and press "Open" and it will ask you if you copy the file or link the file.
I just copied the file and it is copied under working space.
- Set the configuration as default
Now you will see "CC3200.ccxml" under "User Defined" folder in the "Target Configurations" window. Then right click the file and select "Set as default".
After you see the file name displayed as above, you are good to go.
Hope this helps :)
CC3200 Launchpad