I followed the bring up instruction that most of cubieboard site describes, and I could boot cubian from SD card. However, when I tried to install the boot image to NAND, I was not able to boot the system successfully. Although cubian-nandinstall was completed without any errors, it did not boot without SD card. It took for a while that I found out the cubian-nandinstall message saying "*** Read http://tinyurl.com/qyee5k2, if the board won't boot from NAND ***". I followed the link, and this is the instruction how to solve the issue. Basically, it needs to burn NAND with lubuntu and then burn it again with cubian-nandinstall.
- Burn NAND with lubuntu image using USB OTG
Download and extract PhoenixSuit. (My host is Windows, so I used PhoenixSuit instead of LiveSuit.)http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/tools/livesuit/PhoenixSuit1.0.7.rar
Download and extract lubuntu desktop image.http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/a20-cubieboard_lubuntu_desktop_releases
- Prepare for SD card with cubian
This is done easily using "ImageWriter" which can be downloaded from following link.https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer
Download cubian SD card image file from the link below and unzip the file.http://cubian.org/downloads/
Connect SD card to PC and launch "ImageWriter". Make sure it detects the SD card.
Select the image file and press "Copy" to start writing the image to SD card.
- Burn NAND with cubian-nandinstall
Insert the SD card to cubieboard2 and and boot the board. Once system boots successfully, all you need to do is run a command which is "cubian-nandinstall".
If the command is not available, you need to install the tool.sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cubian-nandinstall sudo cubian-nandinstall
Select "Yes" and power off the board. When you boot next time, remove the SD card and it should boot from NAND.
MicroSD Card